Dates are used in every season however, have you ever
wondered why dates are especially used during the Ramadan to break the fast?
If yes, here are some important reasons to be used them frequently
for breaking the fast:
1: Rich source of energy
In Ayurveda, these are considered the energy providing food
as dates are rich source of sugars or carbohydrates. Dates will constantly
provide you with the energy and help you keep going for hours. Apart from this,
dates also contain dietary fibers, proteins, minerals, salts and variety of
vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B2 and C. So, no doubt this should be the first
food to eat after long hours of fasting.
2. Help to avoid the digestive problems
A month long fasting can bring pressure on the stomach and
create the digestive problems therefore, careful choice of food is essential
during this time period. Dates are perfect during fasting as these are the rich
source of soluble fibers that help to maintain the integrity of digestive
system and avoid the problems like constipation. However, as we know that excess
of everything is bad therefore, take no more than 3 dates per day.
Moreover, long hours of fasting can create stomach acidity
and as the dates are alkaline in nature so, they can solve the problem of
3. Dates give the feeling of fullness
Dates contain unsaturated fatty acids and proteins. Proteins
are digested slowly therefore, can be a preferred food source during the
fasting. Due to this reason, dates slowly release energy into the body and
create the sense of fullness.
4. Boost the immunity
Strong immune system helps to fight against the infections
not only during fasting but throughout the year. Dates help to boost the immunity
because of the beta-glucan content. In addition, dates have anti-microbial and
anti-oxidant properties and contain the phenolic compounds that are good to
prevent and treat cancer.
Therefore, must try to eat 2 or 3 dates a day throughout the
year, particularly during the holy month of Ramadan.
Thanks Doc for this very useful article.