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Normal hair color ranges from black, brown and blonde to red. Whitening of hair with aging is a normal phenomenon, however, hair whitening before the age of 30 occurs due to the decrease in hair pigment also known as melanin. It happens due to multiple reasons that are briefly described here (details are provided in the previous article; what are the reasons for grey hair in young age);
for white hair in young age
· Oxidative stress
· Vitamin deficiency
· Thyroid hormone levels
· Medication
· Autoimmunity
· Smoking
· Nutritional deficiency
· Chronic diseases
· Hair products and dyes
for premature white hair
Various remedies are available to treat premature whitening
of hair however, some are scientifically proven and described here.
The choice of treatment depends upon the cause and all these therapies
work to restore the hair pigmentation.
Vitamin and hormone replacement therapy
Vitamin B-12 supplementation is a good option, if hair
whitening is caused by deficiency of this essential vitamin. In addition, loss
of melanin due to hypothyroidism (low levels of thyroid hormones) can be
treated by replacement of thyroid hormones.
Hair colorants
Hair colors produced by natural ingredients are also a better
choice but chemical dyes should be avoided. Natural dyes are mostly nontoxic
and non-allergic and commonly manufactured from false daisy (Eclipta alba), Henna
(Lawsonia alba), Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis) and lotus tree
(Zizyphus spina-christi).
Both temporary and permanent dyes are available in the
market. Temporary dyes are beneficial in a way that these do not penetrate deep
in the skin and protect the hair from damage caused by ultra violet light. Also
these are easily washable and color can be changed.
Calcium pantothenate
Calcium pantothenate therapy also serves as a promising strategy
against premature white hair.
A study showed that treatment with 200 mg of calcium
pantothenate per day for 3-5 months serves as a beneficial treatment for grey
hair. Moreover, calcium pantothenate was combined with the white hair avulsion
and better results were obtained.
Antioxidants in shampoo
Antioxidants such as vitamin C, E and B-12 could be included in shampoos to meet the vitamin deficiency. However, these shampoos may not yield promising results due to the short contact duration with the skin and hair.
Anti-aging compounds
Selenium, melatonin, copper, green tea extract and phyto-estrogens
are also under investigation as anti-aging compounds and could be helpful to
prevent whitening of hair in young age.
Delivery of drugs to hair follicles
Scientists are now working on an interesting concept of
direct delivery of drugs (such as melanin) in the hair follicles. Hair follicles
are tube like structures in upper two skin layers from where hair originate. Drug
induction in the hair follicles will reduce the off-target effects and yield
better results. The conclusive findings are highly awaited and will definitely
serve as a breakthrough for the treatment of premature grey hair.
Warning: consult
with your dermatologist before using any of these compounds.
Apart from these agents, various home remedies are also available
for the treatment of grey hair that will be discussed in the next article
therefore, stay connected….