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Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work

The choice of career is very important and plays pivotal role in the success and progress of a person and a society. Unfortunately, cultural norms and particularly parents’ force young generation to follow the mainstream and become doctors and engineers that are only regarded as noble professions in the various countries like Pakistan. As a result the creativity and thinking capabilities of the child are crippled and he/she tries to do everything to get good grades and eventually get admitted to medical or engineering university. Some are fortunate enough to secure admission however, a large number of really talented beings are left saddened and depressed. They, then start the random careers (mostly of their parent’s choice) and remain distress and consider themselves underachievers, may be trough out the life. 
This is the dilemma of our society that we kill the creativity and positivity of our children by giving them wrong career choices.

Children are very intelligent and observant, from the very beginning they start to follow their desires and develop the passion for some career (without even knowing). Parent’s need to be emotionally intelligent and understand the interest and focus of their children and mold it to the positive career choice. This will help to create an optimistic and healthy culture and eventually a prosperous nation.

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